In one life- can we be all
We all are blessed with some talents, and some skills that we develop over the time. In rush of becoming just one thing, we tend to not recognize our own potential of doing other things. It’s like doing everything and nothing while becoming something.
I always wanted to expand in full potential not all at once but over the course of life before the Dwan hits. To be a super woman like a super man, in my definition its some one who can be all, like different situation and phases of life require a different you every time. So why just be only one all life, when you can actually be all. Not to the expectation of others but to the expectation of your own self, which is always enough!
I get it, not many of them are privileged to discover and re discover themselves. As most of them are stuck in food- clothing- shelter for themselves. And for all the people depending on them, in an survival mode. Life has its own way of making all of us ‘the all’. We are not just a doctor, an engineer, an artist, an writer or anything one for the whole life. What we thought we liked once is now something to re call from another era.
So as a kid or adult, you may wish to become an architect but over the course of time you became ‘all’, like a writer, poet, artist, traveler, gardener, baker, trader to finally becoming the architect of your own life. So what you wished for came to you in a much bigger way than your expectations of becoming something. Just give it some time, if you are in no rush. And as the saying goes below,
Oscar Wilde said that if you know what you want to be, then you inevitably become it – that is your punishment, but if you never know, then you can be anything. There is a truth to that. We are not nouns, we are verbs. I am not a thing – an actor, a writer – I am a person who does things – I write, I act – and I never know what I am going to do next. I think you can be imprisoned if you think of yourself as a noun.”
We are the architect of our own vision. Being visionary doest mean one need to do something big but surely can engage oneself with consistency,discipline and passion to colour the canvas of ideas today instead of thinking for tommorow!!
Well written !I liked the most “Life has its own way of making all of us ‘the all”