And now YOGA by Patanjali Yoga Sutras

Introduction to Yoga
अथ योगानुशासनम् (atha yoganushasanam) ‘…& now yoga’ patanjali yoga sutras begin with this line. The first chapter of the great scripture has started with an incomplete sentence, a very strange way of writing it. Yoga in simple words defined as unity with oneself. For all those on the path of spirituality and exploring yoga from that perspective, Patanjali sutras is an indispensable guidebook and unparalleled knowledge for its seekers.
The approach
There are about 195 sutras or verses in Patanjali Yoga Sutras. In which the great sage Patanjali has explained all the possibilities of how yoga can benefit and what also can imply in life. The journey to yoga is not easy. It can only be approached in earnest when one is ready for it. ‘..& now yoga’, is when one is done exploring all things that one ever wanted. And realizes that nothing is going to work in a real sense and ultimately it is time for yoga- the journey to the self.
Only at times, one chooses yoga and while most of the time it’s the other way around, it’s yoga that chooses you. This can also be put as either when one has tasted the success & power so much so that they realize it was their false desires of having a car, bigger houses, getting married or for that matter. Anything material will bring them elongated happiness and peace. or it is either by facing the very opposite of success that is failure, grief, sadness so much so that- ‘this is it, now what?’ and the answer to that is ‘..& now Yoga’.
My Journey to Yoga
And this is also how my journey to yoga started, in the hardest of days, muchly unplanned, not knowing much about the real sense of what yoga is. A few years back, while grieving I read a book autobiography of a yogi which got me introduced more closely to yoga and spirituality. And my recent course Yoga Teachers Training got me so close to it that its a necessity
The inner turmoil, the struggle between heart-mind-soul. And the never-ending quest to life got me on this much-needed journey of Yoga. It was like a sudden realization to all my despair that what I was searching for outside is inside. And that is how yoga came into my life like a savior sailing the boat of this life journey. Started practicing with the already acquired knowledge about yoga. Yoga teaches one to be in the present moment, it grounds, it calms and overall it accepts one the way you are.
Anxieties got me to yoga and yoga taught me to deal with my anxieties. I have had an keen interest into spirituality and so yoga has always been a part of my journey. But the real journey started when I did a Yoga Teachers Training Course in Rishikesh, the yoga capital of the world. And that is how I believe that- I didn’t find yoga, yoga found me. They say you dance on beats like you do yoga on breaths. Yoga is not just a workout but it is a the way to live life in the true sense.
For all those who believe health is the real wealth, it is working inwards with the support of working out. Having control over breaths which is the only way that connects mind, body and soul.
PS I have another article lined up with details-all about Yoga Teacher’s Training. Do check that out if you are planning one.