For a Better living
Here are 15 things; one must read for better living
1. Life is short. The world is small. Be sensitive, be empathetic, be kind. And start living, instead of just surviving or killing the time.
2. Know what you don’t know. It is more important to recognize the things you don’t know; it will make you less arrogant and gaining a new perspective will improve you as a human.
3. Be careful with how you define your identity. Some people define themselves by their work, or their religion, etc. But remember the words of Camus, “A reason to live can quickly become a reason to die”.
4. Be aware of your actions, and form good habits. It becomes very easy to delude yourself into thinking that you’re doing the right thing, or that you actually have good habits, etc. Most people will not realize how their habits are very self-destructive, as Warren Buffet said “The chains of habit are too light to be felt until they’re too heavy to be broken”.
5. Realize that nothing matters. In a hundred thousand years from now, all of our actions will be insignificant. So be good and leave the world a better place than it was.
6. Be honest with yourself. Sometimes the mind blocks off unpleasant things, so it becomes painful to think about them. But you have to face unpleasant realities if you want to grow and improve as a person.
7. Read. People who lived thousands of years ago had the very same basic questions of the world we still try to grapple with today. And they’ve written about what they think, so go read it. The accumulated knowledge of mankind is far far greater than what one person can learn/think by themselves in one lifetime, so the quickest way to learn or gain perspective is to read.
8. Be curious. The world is fascinating, ask questions and try to unravel the mysteries! It’s amazing how people get caught up with grades/credentials/promotions all of the material things and don’t even pick up a book to read or take some time off to just sit with themselves in silence.
9. Realize that not everyone is as fortunate as you are (this does not apply to everyone). So try to help others out: friends/family/strangers.
10. Most of the time you already know what the right thing to do is, but it’s just that the right thing to do is often the hardest thing to do.
11. There are few lessons which you have to learn the hard way to get prepared for the LIFE you are dreaming of.
12.Nothing is permanent; everything in the world is temporary including us. So don’t take life, people, and yourself for granted.
13. For all the people we meet in our life including our families there are reasons and karmic calculations which we can never understand. Life is too complicated when you try to understand so just live the moment, the present with acceptance.
14. Attachment, Love, Affection are things we humans flow with but always remember you came alone and are going to return alone. Whatever in between is the journey to become NOTHING.
15. Be your own best friend, love yourself. You should be enough for yourself, all the other people will add to your goodness or happiness. No one else other than you can complete you. You complete you.