Seeing off the year gone to accepting the New Year

It’s that time of the year again when we all look back to the year gone, fast forward rewind to all the good and bad times to step into the new year afresh. Seeing-off-2023-to-accepting-the-all-new-2024, the past few years have been of great surprises for all of us. No one was saved from what the world was facing. The rich, or poor, and between people, we were in it together. Climate change, the increased new infections, and the new trends in lifestyle, businesses, and fashion all evolved drastically. India as a country have grown so much in past one year. Share market have seen huge growth. Last year proved that change is the only constant and adaptability is the only way through.
2023 was a year full of surprises, from one corner to another it was like a giant swing. Felt all the feelings deeply, experienced things like never before. Met a lot of new people, overcame some personal milestones, and developed some long pending habits for better living. As I look back, the year started with a lot of opportunities. Towards the middle of it, it was bad and towards the end it felt like gods plan. This year missed out an an big opportunity in career to then reaching to an unplanned solo trip to Kedarnath. And bouncing back in full power to the all new in the year to come. God has been kind while teaching some life lessons. And then gifting to live some amazing moments worth the pain and lessons. I am truly deeply grateful for the year 2023 for all that it offered.
Seeing-off-2022-to-accepting-the-all-new-2023, the one thing that we all do as the year comes to an end is make resolutions that last for a few days. We tend to forget the promises we made to ourselves to better our lives as New Year’s day starts. Resolutions like starting the day early, exercising, and fast-forwarding all that is long pending. It’s important to be grateful for the time that you have got and to make the most of it. Aren’t these times ahead with years, months, days, even minutes and seconds so uncertain? In the past few years with the pandemic, wars and other issues, we all have seen how in a blink of an eye, life is gone. The uncertainty has taken up the control that we think we had with life and all things in general.
The most important resolution we all should make this year in 2024 is keeping things ‘real simple’, away from all the complexity that already exists within and around us to ‘simplicity’. Living a simple life is not for a defined class, but it has to be the way forward for all humans. Less toxicity to give and take, kindness and honesty for all, and changing the complex ways to simplicity can save all of us from unwanted trouble.
Karma plays real simple. You do good, you will get it back in some form when you most need it. And you do bad, you get it back like double trouble when the time is already running bad. Its all running fast forward now, one doesn’t have to take a rebirth to repay the bad Karma. Its happening like in a few months or within some years. So lets try and keep our deeds as clean as possible and help others in whatever way possible.
From simplicity is no more simple to getting back all the simple ways to lead a life that you want in 2023.
And while you do the above, Don’t forget to make a wish with 11:11 as you step into the year full of new and exciting surprises. Wishing you all a Healthy and Happy New Year 2024!